Kingdoms (2024)     70”

DIRECTOR: Manuel Muñoz

Manuel and his partner Sofia recreate moments of their life together by acting out as themselves. Like a voice from beyond, Marlon narrates the story of their imminent separation. Tegucigalpa, Buenos Aires and Hamburg are the settings for this farewell.  

︎Novos Cinemas - Festival Internacional de Cinema de Pontevedra / Best film LATEXOS Competition
︎Ciclo Miradas Contemporáneas, CCK

︎Development at Bienal de Arte Joven, Buenos Aires

The balandra (2024)    16”


DIRECTOR: Matías Lima

A letter sails to the shores of the Rio de la Plata. On dry land, the messages translate into tragedy. A small fishing village whose life is affected by a murder. The crime and documentary genres merge, giving rise to this story of love and intrigue.

︎Festival Internacional de Cine de Cosquín / Special Jury Mention
︎Festifreak / Best short film Argentinian Competition
︎Contracampo - Encuentro de Cine Argentino
︎Punto de Vista - Festival Internacional de Cine Documental de Navarra
All night long I watched the fire grow (2023)    11”

DIRECTOR: Rodrigo Alonso Kahlo

In 1943 the world watched with astonishment the birth of a volcano in the lands of Michoacán. Dr. Atl, lover of volcanoes, witnessed that extraordinary event and for several years dedicated himself to recording the origin and evolution of Paricutín.

︎Black Canvas Festival Internacional de Cine Contemporáneo

︎Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia
︎AMBULANTE - Gira de Documentales
Tegucigalpa has no Street View (2023)    10”

DIRECTOR: Manuel Muñoz

The Great Kan has dreamt a city, he describes it to Marco Polo. Guided by the testimony of one of its former inhabitants, we tour an imagined city- an impossible one. An empty restaurant, a rainy street, a misty construction site and the constant presence of smoke, fire and ash.


︎Lima Alterna
︎Mar del Plata International Film Festival
︎Maine International Film Festival
︎Ícaro Festival Internacional de Cine en Centroamérica

The Flying Dutchman (2020)   21

DIRECTOR: Rodrigo Alonso Kahlo

Surely you know the legend of the Flying Dutchman. It is the story of the ship on which the curse of not being able to reach port fell and that has wandered at sea since immemorial times.

︎Black Canvas Festival Internacional de Cine Contemporáneo